The International Bariatric Clinic at Szpital na Klinach

Stomach balloon

In some carefully selected patients, endoscopic placement of a special balloon into the stomach may be considered. The balloon is filled with fluid, which reduces the maximum stomach volume and thus prevents the consumption of large meals. Weight loss is generally less effective than with other more invasive surgical methods. This treatment is especially recommended for patients with relatively low obesity and for patients who, due to the risk of complications and the coexistence of serious diseases, cannot be operated by other methods. This is usually a two stage procedure, where the gastric balloon is temporarily placed first to help reduce body weight so that more advanced and more effective treatments can be performed in the second stage, after approximately 6 months.

The standard length of hospital stay: 1 day

Preparation for the procedure

Laboratory tests:

  • Blood count, blood group, and Rh factor
  • Basic tests (sodium, potassium, glucose)
  • EKG
  • Gastroscopy
  • Other tests may be ordered by your attending physician as needed


  • The procedure is relatively safe for patients
  • The operation is performed by an endoscopic technique that is not associated with the need to make incisions on the patient’s body and, as a result, does not leave scars
  • The gastric balloon is easy to remove endoscopically, and the procedure is fully reversible


  • Relatively little weight loss
  • The need to replace or remove the balloon within 6 months
  • Nausea or vomiting in some patients

Potential complications:

  • Risk of stomach perforation from the endoscope
  • Risk of gastrointestinal ulceration
  • Risk of balloon rupture and obstruction of the intestines after it migrates downward